Module 1.1: Setup NVDA+Chrome (Windows) (30min)

This module will help you install and configure NVDA and Chrome. We will be pairing with Chrome because NVDA is often used with Chrome and Chrome usage is trending up. Firefox also works well.

Task 1: Install NVDA and Chrome

Task 2: Configure NVDA

It's best to keep settings as close to default as possible. We will change a few settings to optimize NVDA for testing.

  1. Do not automatically start NVDA.
    1. Press "Insert (the NVDA key) + N" (open NVDA menu) > Preferences > Settings
    2. Uncheck "Automatically start NVDA after I log on to Windows"
    3. Uncheck "Use NVDA on the Windows logon screen"
    4. Click "apply", then "okay"
  2. Disable mouse tracking. Most screen reader users will not be using a mouse, and this will help reduce verbosity.
    1. Press "Insert (the NVDA key) + N" (open NVDA menu) > Preferences > Settings > Mouse
    2. Uncheck "Enable mouse tracking"
    3. Click "apply", then "okay"
  3. Turn on the Speech Viewer, which displays all annoucnements in a window. This can be helpful to double check announcements.
    1. Press "Insert (the NVDA key) + N" (open NVDA menu) > Tools > Speech viewer
    2. On the Speech View Window, check "Show Speech Viewer on Startup"
    3. Optional: To turn off this feature, press "Insert (the NVDA key) + N" (open NVDA menu) > Tools > Speech viewer

Task 3: Turn on focus highlighting

Remember that not all users of screen readers are blind. The focus highlight functionality helps people with vision track where NVDA is on the screen.

  1. Press "Insert (the NVDA key) + N" (open NVDA menu) > settings
  2. Under Vision, check "enable highlighting"
  3. Click "Apply" and "Okay"

Optional Task 4: Mute volume

Now that the Speech Viewer is open and Focus Highlight is installed, listening to audio output is not as necessary. You might find it helpful to silence NVDA and only pay attention to the Speech viewer window. Note that there might be some discrepencies between the Speech viewer and actual output, so you might want to test with both. Text might be added to the Speech Viewer much faster than it is actually announced, so new announcements might intrupt annoucements that are in progress, but still be displayed in the Speech Viewer. Don't get hung up on discrepencies since users can control the speed of announcements.

  1. Press "Insert (the NVDA key) + N" (open NVDA menu) > Preferences > Settings
  2. Select the "Speech" category and slide the "volume" slider all the way to the left
  3. Click "Apply" and then "okay"

Task 5: Turn it on and off

Activity 1: Report out